Other writing

To commission a book review, magazine article, or personal essay, please contact me.

Book reviews

‘Double Vision’
[Review of Affinities (Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2023), by Brian Dillon]
The Oxonian Review (15 February 2023)

‘After Religion’
[Personal essay/review of Immanuel (Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2022), by Matthew McNaught]
The Oxonian Review (30 August 2022)

Personal essays

‘The Great Revelation: Evangelical Testimonies and Modernist Literature’
Relief: A Journal of Art and Faith (Spring 2021)
A personal essay interweaving my experiences with religion and literature. Winner of 2021 Editor’s Choice Award for Creative Nonfiction. Nominated for 2022 Pushcart Prize.


In Without a Doubt: Poems Illuminating Faith, edited by Raymond P. Hammond (NYQ Books, forthcoming)
See my NYQ Poets profile here.

‘The Estuary’
Plainsongs vol. 43, no. 1 (Corpus Callosum Press, Winter 2023)

‘The Nordic Hut’
The Isis (29 December 2022)

‘Abandoned Church, Heptonstall’
ASH (Hurst Street Press, Trinity 2018)
ASH is a termly publication by the Oxford University Poetry Society. Following the publication of this poem of mine, I was invited to read it at an Oxford-based poetry event on the topic of ‘Poetry and Prayer’, supporting the poet Pádraig Ó Tuama.

Editorial work

The Mays 30 (2022)
I served as Prose Editor for the thirtiest anniversary edition of The Mays, which featured a foreword by Olivia Laing. The Mays is an annual anthology of student creative writing from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.